Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Happiness Promise #6: Forget, And Forward

"Promise to forget the mistakes of the past and press on to greater achievements in the future."

Is there a big mistake weighing on your mind? I've replayed hundreds of such "failure movies" in my mind way past their expiration date. It's a sign of strong self-esteem when we refuse to let our mistakes define us, if we can recognize them for the blips that they are and give ourselves full permission to drop them.

What's coming up today? Which small accomplishment, or simple prayer, can you experience today to inch toward self-satisfaction? What event is on the horizon for you to gaze at with a smile? Or if you prefer to look back, what's been the highlight of the week? Who or what are you thankful for?

We'll find in today whatever we choose to find, whether that's happiness or remorse. Choose wisely!

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