Saturday, February 9, 2013

Pushing On To Success

"If you learn life's lessons, you will do well. If not, life will continue to push you around. People do things. Some just let life push them around. Others push back. But they push back against their boss, or their job, or their wife. They do not know that it's life that's pushing... A few learn the lesson and move on. They welcome life pushing them around... Most quit, and a few fight.

If you learn this lesson, you will grow into a wise, wealthy, and happy young man. If you don't, you will spend your life blaming a job, low pay, or your boss for your problems. You'll live life always hoping for that big break that will solve all your money problems."

My spiritual view on this is that when we lash out against our fate, we lash out against our creator. We lament the worst 5% of our life and ignore the top 95%. Only when we get our perspectives in order does peace return.

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