Saturday, February 16, 2013

Tip On Overcoming The Fear Of Public Speaking

Neuropsychologist Rick Hanson suggests that before a big speech, to "really feel, consciously, what it's like to be unconditionally loved." Thinking of all the people who love and support you, or examples of it from your past, stimulate your parasympathetic nervous system and allow you to relax.

This week I had another chance to give a speech at the office. I rehearse my delivery no less than twenty times before these (often in the shower or the car) - an exercise that I genuinely love, because of the infinite potential for coming up with more creative phrasings. Then when I'm up front, the lines are burned into my memory and flow easily. And all the while, including just before, the vision of a satisfied audience drives me toward that reality and makes me excited for the chance to begin.

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