Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Seasons Change: The Week In Thanks

The other day Dena was out at Miller Park for the Polar Plunge charity event (working it, not soaking in it). The Pavilion is the place where we held our wedding reception nearly 15 years ago, and she commented that the weather outside reminded her of our wedding day. And as we escape February and leap into March, there are more just like it - with gray skies replaced by bright blue, fewer days worthy of gloves and caps, and more fogless breaths.

We tightened down several more details of our three vacations. Rental cars are secured. Flights booked. And with shelter already secured, soon there will be nothing left to do but buy sunscreen and pack towels.

The end of the four-month long sophomore basketball season is always an exciting one too, even in years when we don't win the season-ending tournament against the top-ranked opponent to close out a 23-3 year. This was a historic team, not only in talent but in heart and togetherness. Ryan's fantastic coaching was a huge reason that the team won more games than any other of his 14-year career. What a great ride! But I'm only an average coach so far. The new season makes full use of my strengths, like...

Tutoring. Mid-semester is harvest time. I've got outstanding requests from four students who'd like to meet once a week, one who'd like to meet twice, and one thrice. And another will be contacting me about ACT prep. Getting up to ten hours a week would be perfectly in line with my goals.

Theater. Auditions for the 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee are March 17-19. I'm singing songs everywhere I go (in my head, during meetings), reciting lines. The days are merrier with adventure on the horizon, tunes coursing through my head, and the prospect of being on stage awaiting.

Fantasy Baseball. Back in the saddle for three leagues with my neighbor, brother, and random strangers. Coming off what's looking to be another win in fantasy basketball.

Next week my work team gains another member. Lately we've been ahead of schedule on our projects. I can't ask for more than that.

On this snowy morning, I'm glad for the means to have new tires on my car. And that my car keeps humming along north of 100,000 miles. For a warm place to work, and warm people to be around. And of course, for increasingly warmer skies.

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