Saturday, March 16, 2013

Angel For A Minute

God calls us to do many things, but I don't often get called upon to be an angel.

Yesterday I was scheduled to tutor a basketball player at the college library.

As I pulled into the lot, it turned out that there was a huge charity event going on at the student center next door. So I paid $6 for a ticket I would never use, but a parking spot that I would.

I walked to the library, yanked on the doors - and nothing happened. Peered inside and saw no one. I'd forgotten that it was spring break.

Fortunately the student center was open and I knew some good spots to study.

But then my phone rang. The student was having trouble finding a parking spot. I didn't want him to have to pay for parking, so I brainstormed the nearest easy place I could think of, the McDonald's restaurant a mile away.

I figured that we'd just touch base there long enough to figure out where we were really going to study. But even though it was 5:15 on a Friday night, there were open booths all around, so we just studied there.

As the session wrapped up, the player and I got into a 5 minute chat about next basketball season. And that was when Ryan the head coach walked up with his son, quickly saying hello before moving on to begin a boys' night out with some dinner.

Our session ended a few minutes later, and as we stood up a quiet voice addressed me.

"Excuse me, would you happen to have an iPhone?"

I was looking into the face of a tired young woman, sitting across from a rugged and slump-shouldered young man.

They explained that they were from Peoria, but their car had broken down. They'd dropped it off at a shop and spent their money on food and hotels last night, and just found out that their car would not be ready today. They were hoping to be able to find a nearby AA meeting so that they could get some help, but didn't know where the nearest one was.

I didn't have an iPhone, but Ryan did. So he gave me the time and location, which I relayed to them. I also pointed them to the nearest public bus stop and gave them $20 since there was probably a small cost. It hadn't occurred to me that it might also buy their first meal of the day, but the "God bless you," that came from their lips was worth more than any other consequence.

This wouldn't have happened IF...

...I'd remembered that the library was closed in advance.
...there hadn't been a charity event preventing the player from parking by the student center.
...I'd been able to think of a closer place to meet than McDonald's.
...the McDonald's had been crowded.
...we hadn't stuck around 5 extra minutes talking basketball.
...Ryan hadn't shown up with his iPhone.

I can even go back further, because this session only happened because we'd rescheduled it twice: once when he forgot our Tuesday appointment, and again when I had an emergency appointment come up that forced me to bump him.

Lesson of the day: Our disappointments may be someone else's blessing!

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