Sunday, March 17, 2013

March Gladness: The Week In Thanks

The interaction with the two homeless people in my earlier post this week sure is a reminder of how fortunate we are. I'm posting this week from the comfort of my bed, with a full stomach and in a pair of sweatpants. I never, ever spend a moment wondering how I'll get home, when I'll eat next, or whether I'll have a soft place to lie my head at night.

And how about the YouTube clip posts about adults who had gone nearly 30 years without being able to hear the sound of their family's voices? So easy to take the senses for granted. So wonderful that modern science can give them the gift of hearing with the Cochlear implants.

Every day when popping our Flintstone vitamins I think about how exceptionally good our health is. Neither of us has allergies, degenerative joints, weak stomachs or immune systems, disability or disease. We can exercise freely. Once we shake off the stiffness of last night, we go through our day without pain. It's something to really appreciate as we enjoy our 40s.

I "paid myself" for five more tutoring sessions just now by logging the lessons into the Wyzant site. What a tremendous find this has been. It's introduced me to students of all ages, subjects, and schools (including home-school). My education is blossoming. And now I'm tutoring a student in ACT preparation, so the new frontiers keep coming.

The office hummed along like a well-oiled machine this week. I spent a little time prepping for next week, my last full one before vacation. This is a season to enjoy, with no major projects exploding into deadline view, and fair opportunity to get some proper documentation caught up. I wish the corporate world offered more regular chances like this to take such a proactive, quality approach to work.

On Friday I decided to skip a workout, and made up for it with a double session on Saturday. These last few weekends have been perfectly restful and open. The flexibility to catch up on the business of the week is a luxury.

My mind's been on the Putnam County Spelling Bee play for a good part of this week. Auditions are tonight, and I'm as ready as I ever was for an actuarial exam after months of preparation. I've read the lines, nuanced the deliveries, listened to the songs dozens of times, even studied characters that I'm not auditioning for. My audition song is rehearsed and ready to go. Let the singing and dancing begin!

What was most uplifting was a sort of warm, calm sensation that washed over me as I was rehearsing some lines this morning. Suddenly I knew just how I wanted to play the character. Hidden Bloggers know that I've been at peace with either outcome - acceptance or not - for some time, but I credit God with this extra dosage of self-assurance. Although the fact that it's St. Patrick's Day and I'm Irish and wearing green surely can't hurt.

I'm thankful for water. Somehow during these last two weeks I'd become dehydrated and woke up mentally exhausted by Friday. A steady course treatment of tall glasses of water has rejuvenated me, including getting my sleeping schedule back on track.

Our anniversary is this week! I'm lucky to be married to someone who likes watching movies as much as me. She bought a few and we watched them all... Trouble With The Curve, Super 8, The Happening. And with Netflix providing an almost endless stream of Saturday Night Live reruns, we've relished several afternoons of snuggling on the couch while cookies are baking in the oven and beach-scented candles are lit. Sometimes I think we find each other to be cuter with each passing year. Maybe by the time we're 80 we'll be in a Hallmark card.

An Irish blessing to all of you Hidden Bloggers during this ever-brightening (behind the clouds) week!

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