Thursday, March 6, 2014

My 2014 Lenten Sacrifice

It's a Catholic tradition to give up something for the 40 days of Lent which began yesterday (for those of you who either didn't see people walking around with dirty foreheads or just wrote it off as the mark of an alien invasion).

So I have decided: I am giving up typing with my right hand.

Yes, to all you out there howling in protest, this is so, so not what the spirit of Lent is. I could argue that if you're supposed to be giving up something that you love... well after a few blog posts at half-speed I am really starting to love and miss my right-hand-typing. But yep, it's a weak argument. Fact is, my physical therapist advised that my sore elbow issues are connected to typing habits, so in true McDonald fashion, I am going all-out. The fact that it just so happened on Ash Wednesday and so by definition is extremely pleasing to Pope Francis is just a bonus. And hey, it's the first time I've given up something for Lent since VHS tapes were cutting-edge technology, so isn't that worth a few more heaven credits than the guy next to me who thinks that Lent is stuff that comes out of the dryer?

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