Saturday, January 31, 2015

2015 Goals Update

The first leg of 2015 is complete. How's it going?

Physical Health

Exercise/stretch 5+ days per week 
Check. My 3-mile run speed is down close to an 8-minute mile, and my weightlifting reps are up, though I'm not measuring that super closely.

Body fat 14%
Check. The fat-o-meter's been reading less than 13% recently.

Healthy knee
Not much to report on this. I visited Dena's orthopedic surgeon and he basically said that I should ice my knee and keep doing the exercises I learned in physical therapy. So I'm doing that. I'm considering a visit to Sports Enhancement Center to see if they can comment.

Fruits/vegetables 5+ days per week
Check. I've been eating vegetables most every day. Granted, it's only been carrots, but it's a start. Still eating fruit daily.

Increased use of sunscreen and other skin care products
Check. I purchased some products with SPF 15 as my research suggested and have been using daily.

Financial Health

Expenses below 2014 levels
I need to finalize what the 2014 levels were. But since I've been frequenting Sam's Club for most of my groceries, I'm at least building the right habits. I'm taking a close look at Long Term Care and deciding whether or not to keep the policy.

Improved tutoring records
I have been updating my student records with more current information, and slightly tracking my travel and business expenses better. Much work to do here.

Community Engagement

Volunteer for a new organization
I met a woman who's involved at least indirectly with the Bloomington City Council, helping underemployed people increase their chances. I'd like to reach out to her and see what there is to offer.

Develop and execute a marketing plan for tutoring
Check. I've not written it down, but I have made visits to the ISU Honors Program, as well as reaching out to the Athletic Department and Math Department. I have a visit scheduled with the owners of the local Kumon learning center, to see if there are tutoring possibility. And I've had the good fortune to meet and begin partnering with another tutor to serve students.

Personal Character And Leadership

Blog thanks weekly
Check, at least technically. I took notes every week, and blogged them all at once at the end of the month. It violates some of the spirit of this goal, but for now I'll take it.

Make 10 new acquaintances, including a mentoring relationship
The Bloomington City Council acquaintance could develop into something. I haven't acted on the mentoring relationship yet.

Lead condominium association projects, such as new driveway
Check. I've taken the driveway project as far as I can. I finished off the carport lighting project. And I coordinated a meeting with attorneys to discuss how to collect from defaulting unit owners. Yeah, I pretty much completely knocked out this goal by January which feels pretty good.

Arrive early/discipline
I've done "C" level work on this one, well ahead of last year's "F" I've regularly given myself an extra 10 minutes of travel time to get places. I do think this discipline is feeding a larger sense of self-confidence, as I'd hoped.

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