Wednesday, December 14, 2011

"I Won't Lie, I Got A Little Teary-Eyed"

This was a quote from the student I met with this afternoon.

When we first sat down, she asked me if I wanted to see something really exciting.

She whipped out a homework assignment scored 100%.

The teacher wrote "Amazing!" at the top. Stars written all over the place.

This was a long math assignment. Multiple pages of problems.

It occasionally involved drawing graphs. "Very Nice!" exclaimed the red ink on that page.

She was bubbling over with excitement. We've been meeting together for a couple weeks and her grade's gone up three points so far to a more solid B.

Tonight's a long night by some accounts. Finals week. I've got another 2-hour session tonight to fortify another student down the stretch. Four hours of math tutoring after work could be grueling.

But inside I feel like my engine's on full throttle. It's just addictive to help people "get it." Plus I'm constantly learning how to teach math at the same time. As well as remembering what it's like to be as young as a teenager.

Where else is there such a win-win-win proposition?

To the library!

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