Saturday, December 10, 2011

Recipe For The Saturday Morning Blechs

You know what I mean by blechs. They strike in the winter when people are cooped up in recycled air.

The throat gets scratchy.

A bit of goo starts to congregate in the nose.

The head feels a tad heavier.

Bed seems to have magnetic power.

No one should have to spend a Saturday morning like that!

Here's what worked for this body:

- A whole grain breakfast of Cheerios and toast (I rarely eat at breakfast)
- A tall glass of water
- A pair of Target-brand horse-sized gel capsules designed to end your cold symptoms either by decongesting you, or by choking you to death
- A mini-concert with the guitar in the basement (gets my mind and body moving)
- 30 minutes on the stationary bike

Tonight I'll have to hit the hay early, I suspect. But for now I've got the energy to merrily blog away.

Scientists say that energy creates motion. That's where the food and drink came in.

But I also think there's a mental component, where motion can create energy if you can get yourself in motion.

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