Saturday, December 31, 2011

Time To Get Up!

Long entry found in a journal:
There are people all over the world on a day-to-day basis who live their lives with one hand on the snooze button.
"Time to get up.... Wait just a little bit longer!"
I'd like to lose weight but... I'll start next week!
One day I'll do this, and one day I'll do that- but it just isn't the time, yet.
And for some reason we surround ourselves with friends who are interested in the mediocre, who live life dangerously on the edge of complacency, who complain instead of act (that one is me sometimes), who walk backwards in what could have been, who hold tighter to excuses than to dreams.....
Was I always that person? No way! I was the dreamer, the writer, the athlete, the singer, the childhood teacher. And this morning I woke up so unsatisfied with myself.
If I'm waiting to wake up, or I'm waiting for someone to hand something to me to change my life completely, to make my life so different, to give me that spark for that fire I so desperately desire.... Things are never that simple.
If I want things to change, I am going to have to change them myself!
Stop hitting the snooze button in life and start LIVING!**

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