Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Giuliani on September 11

Looking up from ground zero shortly after the World Trade Center was hit, Giuliani saw people jumping from windows. They were making the conscious decision that it was better to die that way, than to face the 2,000 degree heat of the blazing jet fuel. Those who believe in hell, take note.

In surviving that day, he notes that "there was no time to actually experience an emotion. There were moments of anger, fear, and sorrow, but with so much to do it was impossible to dwell on those feelings."

There seems some similarity with Ben Franklin, who mused that it's better to be focused on our usefulness than our rights.

Giuliani was pressed by the media to estimate a death toll. He decided right away not to play guessing games with lost lives. He spoke the truth: "When we get the final number, it will be more than we can bear."

Regardless of pressure or temptation, may we likewise focus on the task at hand, and remain honest to the end.

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