Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Why Change Roads When You Can Change Lanes?

From the book Now Discover Your Strengths:

The medical student made a disturbing discovery: She didn't like being around sick people. Time to change careers, right? Wrong. She took stock of herself. She liked helping people, and she thrived on tangible results. Now she's a dermatologist.

The director of health and human services had a budget bigger than that of 20 states. She's not gifted in thinking strategically, detailed analysis, or planning. She does enjoy injecting drama and passion in her employees, and in getting results. How does she overcome her weaknesses? (1) She identifies achievable goals where action can be taken today. (2) She seeks opportunities to paint the big picture for her thousands of employees. (3) She outsources strategic planning!

Not all of us can outsource. But we can usually find a way to make more use of our strengths so that, if nothing else, we lift our mood. It'd be a shame for a car driver to take a long, lonely exit ramp because their lane's blocked, without considering the wide open lane just next to them. Life's too short for unnecessary detours!

1 comment:

Jason Woolever said...

this is a great book. i need to reread it.

Hey Joe, for an incredible teaching on this topic, go to the link below and stroll down to "Andy Stanley - The Competent Leader". Its incredible. It literally changed my work life permanently.