Saturday, December 15, 2007

10-Year-Old Homeless Girl Receives SDSU Scholarship

SAN DIEGO -- During this time of year many children hope for iPods, video games or maybe a new bike. Digital correspondent Ron Tuatagaloa introduces a 10-year-old homeless girl whose dreams are a bit loftier.

While most of the student body at San Diego State University scrambles to finish finals, 10-year-old Brittnie Pemberton has secured her future there.

A photo of a San Diego State University sign and Brittnie Pemberton's hope for a college scholarship appeared as part of the Salvation Army's Pictures of Hope -- a 14-greeting card set that benefits their homeless program.

The SDSU Alumni Association got wind of the story and made Brittnie's hopes a reality with a 4-year scholarship.

"I was expecting just to get a tour and I got a scholarship and it was really cool," Brittnie said.

Brittnie's mother Tanya was understandably thrilled.

"I don't know how you bring this to words," she said.

Tanya and her family have been living at the Salvation Army's Transitional Living Center for the last six months. After many tough times, the scholarship stands out as a beacon of hope.

"So many things open up," Tanya said. "So many opportunities; so many ways to find knowledge."

Mother and daughter both look forward to Brittne's future on Montezuma Mesa.

"I'm looking forward to having a good time at school; seeing what I can do," Brittnie said.

For information on how to purchase cards featuring the pictures of hope, visit the Salvation Army’s Web site.

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