Saturday, January 22, 2011

Down And Up

"In many cases, disappointment is what prepares you to achieve greatness in the future." - Drew Brees

In Brees' case, the disappointment was the loss to the Dallas Cowboys that disrupted the New Orleans Saints' perfect 13-0 NFL season. The Saints went on to win the Super Bowl against the Indianapolis Colts.

Seems like a lot of life is about learning what not to do again. Like pulling into traffic too fast on a snowy day because you overestimate how well your tires will grip the road. Or complaining about a problem to someone who would love for that to be their worst problem. Or berating a teammate rather than providing a solution constructively.

Had a situation this week where an e-mail from a co-worker got my temperature rising. Started to write an e-mail with an attitude, one of those passive-aggressive types. Deleted! By comparison the day was markedly better.

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