Saturday, January 29, 2011

Mega Python Vs. Gatoroid

Yep, I admit it - I DVRd and watched this SyFy original movie debut for the climactic fight scene. Not between the mutant super-sized pythons in the Florida Everglades and the steroid-fueled semi-trailer sized alligators. Between the movie's two stars and co-producers, Debbie Gibson and Tiffany.

Uh huh.

Generation X is the only one with a chance to stay tuned to this CGI-fest for the full two hours. It's not enough to like monster movies (which incidentally I do... growing up a rabid watcher of Sunday afternoon battles between Gamera, Mothra, Godzilla and the like). Not enough to enjoy cast members turned into snacks (every... single... character in the movie with a speaking part dies except one). No, there's got to be a part of you that has been waiting for a quarter century...

...since Tiffany brought mall-singing to the American consciousness...

...while Debbie Gibson was making hit songs out of ten words and a large tuft of 80's-coiffed blonde hair... see the rivalry erupt into a full-blown catfight.

Hey, it is what it is.

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