Sunday, January 30, 2011

Living In The Slow Lane

Changing lanes in traffic is productive, right?

Swivel the head, check traffic in the next two lanes, see a small gap, signal, accelerate, re-check traffic in the far lane to make sure he's not changing into the same lane you are. Now pass the guy who was in front of you a moment ago, since you need to get back into that lane to turn right and get to your destination. You speed up, he speeds up, or the car in front of you slows down. Yellow light! Gun it. Cut in front of him with yards to spare. Hang a right.

You just gained two seconds of travel time. Was it worth the gas and the stress?

True to new year's resolution, I've spent some time pondering a good mental exercise program. How about spending this week in the slow lane? Literally, on the road. Forget about getting there as fast as possible, and get there as relaxed as possible. See how far it lasts outside the car.

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