Sunday, January 22, 2012

Church Of One

This morning I awoke at 6:30.

The odds of my getting up that early on a weekend, the day after a couple basketball games, are slim.

And yet, as I lay in the inkiness, my mind was whirring with thoughts.

A puzzling problem from work was tumbling around like yesterday's laundry in the dryer.

At once some ideas, and then a solution, formed themselves. All before I could open my eyes!

Now I was up. Energized. Came downstairs not knowing quite what I'd do next, but soon found myself emptying the dishwasher, folding laundry, pitching trash. Thinking about blog posts.

Why does this happen?
I like to think this is how God communicates with me sometimes. I felt a rush of thankfulness for this burst of success. You never know how long or briefly it will last. As a fundamentally creative and introverted person, that might be why in these moments I feel more connected than in most of 30 years of corporate church attendance.

And so I took my guitar with a light heart, opened to some spiritual songs, and let loose joyfully.

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