Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Don't Worry Be Happy!

It's time for the first weekly blog of thanks for the year. It hit me smack in the eyes during the middle of a crazy day at work.

Sometimes things feel beyond our control. I found myself consumed fretting about a big project with few resources.

But there is always something in our control. Our response to the situation. When the mind is a hurricane of emotion, there is a shelter within. It's impenetrable. Tropical music plays inside it, and it's cozy and comfortable. We just need to take a few steps through the swirling winds, wrench open the door and step inside.

On this day I chose to consider how mild of a winter day it was. Nearly fifty degrees. In any other January of the past decade I'd have been goose-stepping on ice or trudging through snow, while negative chill winds battered my cheeks. Huddling in the parking garage urging the heater to pick up the pace so that I could emerge from the fetal position. Today I found myself carrying my hat and gloves out of habit, but smiling at the lack of need to put them on.

While driving home from a game last week, I drifted toward an intersection of a busy street planning to turn right. I glanced to my left first, to make sure of no oncoming traffic. When I looked back to the right, suddenly there was a man practically on top of my hood. He'd chosen to wear dark clothes on this night, and I'd not anticipated anyone wanting to cross such a busy street on foot as I rolled up beside him - and nearly over him. If my reaction time were a drumbeat slower, I could have maimed him. Instead, I'm thankful.

After getting home from work today, Dena cheerfully burst into our room with a story about how someone stole her car wash. I'd never heard of such a thing. Dena dropped her token into the automatic car wash while someone was getting a wash in front of her. That older gentleman proceeded to go through the drying cycle, then back his car into the washing section again and get a second wash - Dena's wash. The point is that Dena could have been pretty irritated by it and spilled it all over me. This is how fortunate I am in marriage, that she uses it to spread joy instead.

This is what was playing in my mental shelter of refuge today, my oasis of peace in a frenetic career. In fact, while sitting in there I came up with a plan for the problem at hand.

"It will soon pass whatever it is. Don't bring everybody down." - Bobby McFerrin

Hope you enjoy the blessings of your own life this week.

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