Sunday, January 1, 2012

Flipping Out About Dinner

So I've got a half-dozen gift certificates, some for months. I'm just not in the routine of thinking about them. Today, I did. Let's go to dinner sweetie!

She narrowed it down to two and let me pick. I came up with a plan.

Holding the two gift cards in my hand.

"Okay, I'll flip them up in the air. Whichever one lands face up is the one we'll go to."


Both face down.


Both face down.


Both face up.

We laughed harder with each passing flip. After six flips, the matter was still not resolved.

"You flip them!" I said.

First try, Olive Garden wins.

It's her favorite.

Very cute, God.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha this is absolutely exactly you it!

hope it was yummy!