Thursday, May 24, 2012


My month-long cold took a creative turn from its rattling congestion into a deaf right ear.

I've been squeegeeing it with water & drops for nearly a week.

Taking two pills a day for possible ear infection, like Convenient Care advised.

It's as bad as it's been so far.

Not much fun being deaf in one ear.

But you know, I can still hear in the other.

My throat is basically back to normal, so from a theater standpoint it's been a good trade-off.

I'm not in pain.

There's no reason to think it's permanent.

Things happen for a reason. Hard to figure this one out, but I'll make an appointment to see a specialist. I'm fortunate to live in a country where it's easy to do this.

I woke up extra early with an unsettled feeling about all this, but as long as I'm up with the sun, might as well go for a relaxing run. I haven't had much time for exercise recently. Maybe that's the blessing in this.

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