Thursday, July 31, 2014

2014 Goals Update

Exercise/Stretch 5+ Days a Week, Body Fat 14%

I've been able to get back out running again, after taking some weeks off to rest the ankles, and the results have been good. In the meantime I did swimming which was a nice shift and gave me some semblance of upper body workout for the first time since last September. I'd like to get back into the gym and re-engage those arms. I did a fair amount of stretching, more recently replaced by physical therapy exercises for the knee, so am satisfied with that. The fat-o-meter's been in the 13-14% range.

Healthy Elbow, Knee, Teeth

The elbow stability is what's got me thinking about getting back into the weight room. Doc said that acupuncture's expensive enough that I might as well YouTube some ulnar tunnel remedies (when a doctor directs you to YouTube, what does that say about the doctor?). The root canal is scheduled for early August, I'm hoping this finally does the trick. As for the knee, with Doc's recommendation for the physical therapy I'll be going at it for another couple of weeks, and pumping them for some type of long-term exercise plan. So far early on, there are good days and bad.

Tutor 800 Hours

July was another restful month, with almost no tutoring as several of students were on vacation or simply stopped returning calls for reasons unknown. The phone is starting to ring again, though, and I've gotten multiple questions about my car magnets which shows that the marketing is working. Once school resumes on August 18 this goal will resume in full force.

Blog Thanks Weekly

Two straight months of perfect attendance on this goal!

Make 10 New Acquaintances

Shrek was a smashing success, I have several new Facebook friends and got around to meet most of the 40-adult cast. I have no more adventures planned for 2014, and this goal is already met, but I will be on the lookout for opportunities.

Clean House

So far the de-humidifying solution to our ceiling tiles is working. I've contacted a professional friend who will be quoting our basement re-paint. I contacted the condominium Board about the driveway project and have had individual conversations. And I went on a Kohl's shopping trip for several great bargains on shorts, shirts, wallet, belt, and running shoes; this wardrobe update is pretty much done though I'll keep my eyes open!

1 comment:

dyoung said...

Wait. Running shoes and kohls do not belong in the same phrase Joseph! Healthy knees and quality shoes go hand in hand and you know where to go for that! Keep it in's worth the effort!