Monday, July 28, 2014

Shrek Diary: Closing Thoughts

I had just enough experience from Hairspray to keep myself together during Shrek's finale, but only barely. To watch Chris' voice catch during his serenade, and Lisa's cheeks glistening with tears of joy as she came down the aisle, was more beautiful than any real-life wedding I've seen, and probably will ever see.

The final curtain fell, hugs were all around. We set to work tearing down the sets and cleaning the theater. Ate some communal pizza and snacks. Wished fond farewells.

I was surprised by the wave of sadness that swept over me as I got into my car for the last time as a Shrek cast member. I thought I had auditioned on a whim, but as with many things can give thanks to God for placing me in just the right situation.

My friends agree. 

"A theatre family. It's real. It forms over a few months and somehow turns into one of the strongest most special relationships that will ever be...if only for those precious weeks. To anyone who has never been in a musical, I don't think I can begin to explain the heartbreak I am currently feeling. You put so much of your time and energy and heart into making something so special, and then it's suddenly over. I fought back the tears all day, but one look into Chris's tear-filled eyes and I lost it right on stage for the full house to witness. This chapter of our story is over. It was fun, and hilarious, and magical, and beautiful, and I'll miss it more than I can express. And we'll try to stay in touch, and we'll try to make it to see each other's shows, and we'll try to keep that magic alive...but really we know it will never quite be this way again. I don't think I've ever enjoyed any experience more than this one. To be able to do what I love and share this with so many friends, my family, and especially my kids was everything."

"Well Shrek has come to a end, I am happy that I got the chance to be involved in this show even if it was just watching the kids. It's amazing how you make some good friends even when you aren't really around them much. Even tho it meant some long days and nights I am going to miss it and seeing everyone. I think I have shed enough tears today to last me a while."

"And so it ends... Best thing that I have said this summer was "Fine, I'll audition with you!" So many funny and talented new friends and wonderful memories... Until next time, my Shrek family..."

"To my shrek family.. What can I say, I love all of you so much. You made something so magical and wonderful to be a part of. You all worked so hard, dedicated so much time, and it became something so special for all of us to experience. As we cry our tears and put this one to bed though I am happy for the future when we all can experience that feeling of joy again together. Oh and Rent auditions are in 7 weeks...maybe I'll start choreographing this weekend...hmmm maybe La Vie Boheme!!!!"

"Just finished Shrek and I'm already missing everyone, but all good things must come to an end."

"I think my theatre friends can attest to this..
The first shower you take on the closing night of a show after set strike is complete is a borderline religious experience."

"I can't believe it's over! I can't even remember the last free Friday night I had but I can't imagine a better Friday than hanging out in the basement with you all and my fake nose. Thanks for making this an amazing show and an amazing summer. I'm gonna miss it!! (sorry I couldn't tag everyone!)"

"When ever you ask a theatre person "Are you glad the show is over?" I say yes and no. Yes because it was tiring but no because I made too many good memories that I'll never forget  Thank you all for making this summer amazing!!!!"

"Not only was this cast so much fun to be with...they were so excepting of everyone! We had adult cast members range from 50 to 14 years old. Never....NEVER.. have I been in a group of people that melted this beautifully together. I was very impressed with the younger cast. These people didn't care that I was in my 40's or that little kids were running around, they involved everyone in their conversations, hugs & friendship. People of the world...get involved in your local theater. You will be better for it!"

"OK, after a brief physical and ongoing emotional breakdown, I have to add my voice to the cacophony of incredible people putting their final thoughts out there as we say goodbye to ‪#‎Shrek‬ :The Musical, at Players. Even now, I can’t seem to hold back tears as I think of how much I love and will miss you all. Not that we won’t stay in touch, not that all my wonderful new and old friends won’t forever be in my heart, and not that I won’t cherish each and every memory – but as we all move on to that “next” thing in our lives – please know that each and every one of you will forever have a place in my life. Some of you know that I had a great deal of “stuff” going on in my life during this time period – whether it was show stuff, work stuff, or life stuff, it was, at times, overwhelming. But even for those who didn't know, each and every one of you helped me get through it. As the green fades from my skin, please know that none of you will ever fade from the green in my heart. As I wipe away what I’m sure won’t be the final tear – to the most brilliant cast, incredible orchestra, tireless and creative staff, awesome kids, and every single person who had any involvement in one of the most special experiences I've ever had – you are all brilliant, talented, beautiful, and I love you all."

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