Monday, July 7, 2014

Close Shaves: The Week In Thanks

Summer is undoubtedly here. Every... single... morning this week I was able to jump into our outdoor pool for a morning lap swim under warm and usually sunny skies. The water's been 74-80 degrees and the outdoor temperature's been warmer than that, without rain. It's an ideal combination where the water helps cool me off while I'm pumping the heart rate at 120 bpm.

Our carport renovation project is going well on the financial end. Except for one or two unexpected stragglers, everyone's paid whom we expected to. We have more than enough money to start the project.

Under the random category: I'm thankful for the invention of razors. I watched a movie where a man was imprisoned for years. His beard looked rough but decent; mine would probably make me the favorite in a death match with a porcupine.

On this 4th of July week, it's timely to reflect on how many, many people have sacrificed for this country's freedoms. A sense of entitlement is always a gateway to unhappiness, but in this case it's totally out of bounds. We are extremely lucky to live in the security of the United States.

Shrek is growing daily! It's going to be a funny show. Even if we had opening night tonight, it would be worth a price of admission... some predictable costume and timing mishaps just add to the fun. But we will iron them out in the next few days.

Fantasy baseball is cruising steadily. I'm in 3rd to 5th place in all leagues. I don't foresee any championships this summer at this point, but I do see that 5th place climbing higher.

I watched a documentary about cults yesterday (my version of summer reading). I am so glad I did not grow up in a cult! Even if I wasn't burned to a crisp, or poisoned with Kool-Aid, just the opportunities, perspective and maturity I would have missed out on. Geez. If it's possible to convince college-educated people that a person is Jesus Christ, then surely I can convince more people to be tutored by me in math! Maybe I just need to rant more. Or grow that facial hair after all.

We watched Jersey Boys, the movie about high-pitched singer Frankie Valli. I grew up listening to his music. I consider myself lucky for that.

During rehearsal last week I got some counsel from a couple theater friends about my root canal situation. They gave me great advice that has already led me down the road to a successful surgery. One more reason why theater rocks, and people ought to get out and make new friends.

I'm grateful for Jennifer Stevens' ongoing health of baby Liliana.

Finally, we continue to be blessed by Cupcake's growing personality. She seems to really enjoy car travel, which makes things fun and easier. She's getting more patient with wearing a harness. Which is a good thing, because last week she snapped out of her leash and, by grace of God, raced toward the back of our property rather than toward the street. My week could've had tragedy if not for that stroke of luck.

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