Saturday, May 30, 2015

2015 Goals Update

Hidden Bloggers know that I structured this year around the throwback concept of college achievement. Idea: Why not assign grades to the goals? It's amazing to me as a tutor that this thought did not arrive sooner.

Physical Health

Exercise/stretch 5+ days per week (Grade: B+)
My bicycling has been improving, my knee exercises have been on tracks, and I've dabbled back in upper body workouts. I'm planning to use this summer to invest more in exercise.

Body fat 14% (Grade: A)

Healthy knee (Grade: B-)
No magic turning point yet, but the knee exercises have helped and it has been months since I had any upper-tier pain, probably due to avoidance.

Fruits/vegetables 5+ days per week (Grade: A)

Increased use of sunscreen and other skin care products (Grade: D)
I've probably applied it around ten days this month.

Financial Health

Expenses below 2014 levels ($31,000) (Grade: A)
Through five months, only $5,000. This goal is fantastically ahead of target. My income for the same period is $16,000!

Improved tutoring records (Grade: F)
On the other hand, this is still a nonstarter. I'll plan to use some summer downtime to go back and upgrade these records.

Community Engagement

Volunteer for a new organization (Grade: F)
No real progress to report here.

Develop and execute a marketing plan for tutoring (Grade: B)
I had a highly successful final exam review session by video conference for three students and am exploring how to enable two-way tutoring. Once I master this there will be vast potential for expansion geographically. Last month I anticipated reaching 350 hours for the semester, and I ended up with over 400! Incredibly blessed.

Personal Character And Leadership

Blog thanks weekly (Grade: C)
So-so on this one. 

Make 10 new acquaintances, including a mentoring relationship (Grade: A)
I'll be getting involved with the Leadership McLean County Alumni Committee, some new faces are coming onto the LMC Steering Committee, and I've volunteered to design a new training program for it. Tiffany Anderson and Brent Kelly raises to six the number for the year. On the 

Lead condominium association projects, such as new driveway (completed January) (Grade: A)

Arrive early/discipline (Grade: C-)
I've mostly arrived on time... as for early, not too often.

Update Wardrobe (Grade: A)
I've been busy with this one. I purged about three dozen clothing items, including almost everything with a date on it. New dress shoes and exercise shoes. New dress shirts and T-shirts. Style is steadily making its way into my strut.


Looks like my GPA is 2.68 right now. Summer school!

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