Monday, June 22, 2009

Great Returns Through Interest

"All officers, and particularly General Officers, must be vitally interested in everything that interests the soldier. Usually you will gain a great deal of knowledge by being interested, but even if you do not, the fact that you are interested has a very high morale influence on the soldier." - George Patton

Let's face it... two heads are better than one when it comes to learning as much about the interesting wrinkles of life as possible. My neighbor who's been to Europe, or installed a new electronic gadget at home, or joined the Rotary Club can teach me things faster than I can learn it with shoe leather. Why not ask? I tell you what, this city boy never dreamed that he'd know as much about farming as he does today.

"Interest" is a financial term indicating return on your investment. But in relationships it's the opposite, interest is what you invest to get great returns.

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