Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Negative Thinking

From Lou Tice, courtesy of Bonnie:

What would the world be like if there were no negativity? Do you have difficulty imagining such a place? These days, I wouldn't be surprised.

Can you imagine a world in which there was no negativity? Now, I'm not talking about a world without legitimate sadness or anger. But I am talking about a world in which there were no put-downs, no belittling of self or others, no withering remarks, no free-floating hostility, no power-tripping, no insults, no bigotry or intolerance.

That's a pretty tall order, isn't it - even to imagine such a place? So let's back it up a little and try another question. Can you imagine your own life without any negativity? Maybe that's a pretty tall order, too. So how about this: What would it be like, do you suppose, to go through a whole day and night without any negativity?

That's right - I'm talking about a 24-hour period during which you stop yourself from doing any negative thinking or behaving whatsoever. No put-downs, no sarcasm, no teasing or belittling of others or yourself. I know some of you have done this before, but it bears repeating every so often! With the onslaught of negative news on TV, radio, newspapers, blogs, it can be pretty easy to slip into a "negativity sinkhole."

This is an exercise I often ask people who attend my seminars to try. In fact, the group that will be at my "live" seminar next month will get this same challenge - and you should hear the groans when I give this task to each group of participants! The results are usually pretty powerful. First of all, they become aware of the amount of negative thinking they routinely do. Then, they realize that negative thinking really is something they can bring under control, with a little practice. And finally, they experience how good it feels when they stop.

Why not try it yourself? No negative thinking for 24 hours. Why not start right now? There is no time like the present . . .

1 comment:

Jim Jackson said...

Right on Lou. Strong information for thinking.