Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Dumb Luck

People have incredible luck. Like on game shows.

Or closer to home.

When I'm heading to an appointment a bit late and all the lights are green.

When I'm shopping, and happen to get the cheeriest cashier at Wal-Mart.

When I take a day off to rest from election judging, and happen to get the nicest weather of the spring.

When I watch one of my math tutorees whip through an assignment with little help from me. He'd been turning in 30% of his homework and now is perfect over two weeks.

When I think about the basketball coaching and math tutoring opportunities that've come to me through people stumbling upon Hidden Blog.

When I get a chance to help with ACT prep classes.

When someone finds a product I'd been looking for, for some time.

When my staff gets monthly and quarterly reports done in my absence.


Anonymous said...

Math tutoring now ACT you take students from schools other than NCHS......??

Joe McDonald said...

If they are family and can get to Normal, you betcha!

Anonymous said...

The words 'family' and 'normal' in the same sentence....


Seriously tho...might keep that in mind!!