Saturday, April 16, 2011

Ideas For Living

IFL is the name of a segment in a magazine that solicits "an idea that you think fellow readers would benefit from." 150 words or less. I gave it a whirl with an e-submission this evening.

"I read that three ingredients to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love and something to hope for. So why not look for new adventures nearby?

My wife and I love to skim the catalog of "community education" courses offered by the local community college. We may not sign up for Arabic Part 2, but I did try out an Introduction to Voice Acting class. That eventually led to an opportunity to volunteer as the after-hours telephone voice for a local charity.

We both enjoy sports, so I volunteered to keep statistics for the town high school basketball team. Before long I was invited to help coach, which has also been fun for her as a fan.

Exciting life paths lie just outside our front door, waiting for us to follow our interests through and discover them!"

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