Friday, October 12, 2012

Getting Today In Shape

We have a couple of choices... we can wait for our future, or shape our future.

Sure, we can go about our business blindly, prepared to take on whatever might happen to us. And there's something advantageous about the "ready for anything" mentality.

Still, my sense of drive during the day and satisfaction at the end of it can be strongly tied to walking into it with a specific objective in mind.

It doesn't have to be big.

One of mine is always (except Sundays) to exercise. On a busy day, that can be a challenge, or on a tiring day.

Today, my work objective happens to be managing some files that have been piling up for a while. Lots of other stuff will come up, but this one small goal would be progress enough for me. It will give me the oomph I need to power through the other tasks that grace my in-box.

My other non-work objective is to get my hair cut.

Small steps forward are often enough and can be the difference between a feeling of a disciplined day and an out-of-control one. So why wait?

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