Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Right Contact: Gentle

For a couple of weeks I started having unusual difficulty putting my right contact lens into my eye. It hugged my finger like a new kindergartner hugs his mom good-bye, refusing to stick to the eyeball.

Eventually I studied what I was doing differently with my left. It turned out that I was applying it more gently, bringing it close to the surface, and then the natural adherence would kick in for success once it got close enough. With the right, I was trying to power it on too quickly, so it was repelling.

It got me thinking that people are more like contact lenses than I'd have guessed. Many people appreciate guidance, but not force. I have natural resistance to direct orders. People want to have purpose, and not merely be a pawn in someone else's game.

Successful leadership at work or at home is about enabling and unlocking others' power to accomplish meaningful things. Command-and-control leadership has only limited ability to do this over the long haul. A more gentle, empowering style has more sustenance.

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