Sunday, October 7, 2012

How To Become What You Want To Become

"If you write on a card what you intend to be in life, making it specific, and keep that card for constant reference and embed that goal deeply in your mind for a period of two years, you will become what you said you would achieve." - Anonymous

What you intend to be in life?

It is a profession like a nurse or mechanic?

A relationship like a Big Brother or a prayer partner?

A more perfect sibling, spouse, child or friend?

A committed parent?

A 5K runner?

A musician?

The founder of a legacy?

It's easy to talk about writing something on a card for constant reference, and quite another thing to actually refer to it. To truly change, there must be some idea so compelling, or something about ourselves that we're so tired of, that the effort of building new habits excites us beyond the inertia that grabs us, sustains itself with the kind of energy that could last two years.

On this lazy Sunday I spent several stretches of time envisioning one glorious day in a few short years. I picture myself waking up a certain way, spending my morning just so, walking to and from my car with a smile on my face, celebrating with Dena, and a hundred other details. It fires me up with happiness, gives me a buffer against the rigors of the day, drives me to take steps today toward making tomorrow's success a reality.

Decide what you passionately wish to achieve, and get busy getting after it!

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