Thursday, October 11, 2012

Living The Easy Life

"When one begins at the bottom and learns to scrape, everything becomes easy."

Someone, somewhere, has it worse than you! Be thankful for what we have.

I especially think of this as the weather starts turning colder. The fact that I know I'll be sleeping in a comfortable bed tonight is ahead of what millions can count on.

Something might be disagreeable at the office today. And yet, it's an indoor job without the distractions of wind or rain or chill. And if it were an outdoor job, it'd be an American job, with all the freedoms that come along with that.

On a smaller scale, my own job used to be much more difficult when I started. That, by comparison, was scraping along, not knowing where all my resources were. Now I have dozens of people and sources I can consult for answers. Productivity is much more guaranteed.

 Most all of us get scraped by something in the course of a day. It'll heal; we just need the determination to outlast it.

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