Friday, October 11, 2013

Bob Bradley: The American Pharaoh

"Don't be afraid to put everything you have into something. If you're worried about the outcome, you don't get anywhere." - Bob Bradley

Bradley is an American citizen, a former coach of the U.S. men's national soccer team. He was fired, spurned by clubs in Europe, and finally settled in with the Egyptian national team.

In February 2012 civil unrest led to a bloody road game - suspicion is that it was planned - where his team was attacked. 74 of his team's fans were killed.

Bradley stayed in Egypt. Including when the league was suspended. And when several of his players quit or retired.

These days, the Egyptian national team is undefeated in World Cup competition. Bradley is revered. Not that he wants to be. But this is what happens when you stand steadfast amidst disaster. You win.

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