Thursday, October 24, 2013

Embracing Humanness

"Don't insist that everything make sense. If you attempt to understand human beings, if you expect them to always behave rationally, then you'll go through life crabby and vexed. But if instead you can savor their odd, confounding humanness, then you just might enjoy the spectacle that we are."

About once a week one of my tutoring students simply fails to show without notice. It's a different student usually. Often one of my newer ones, soon to be one of my former ones. Why? Not everyone sees it as courtesy to give a heads-up. I wish it were otherwise. But everyone's values are different. So I bring a plan B along to as many situations as I can. Many times it's a good book, or some calendar updating, or something else to pass the time. It's when we live life on the narrow, with a singular tunnel vision for how things are supposed to be, that stress can rise and energy can drain.

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