Saturday, October 26, 2013

Not Cliffs, Just Curves

"Setbacks are just part of the trip. They're curves, and they slow you down. Okay. Where's the next straightaway?"

I was due to send out a large mailing to about 75 people for Leadership McLean County. The previous night Yahoo! had reconfigured its entire mail system which looked almost completely different from what I was comfortable with. After much start-and-stop and over an hour of proofreading, I succeeded in sending the e-mail... but without a subject header. This surely doomed several of the recipients to auto-feed the crucial comments into the spam folder.

It was a virtual punch to the gut, but like most mistakes in life, was not fatal like plunging over a cliff. I did need a half hour to cool down, then attacked the problem with a fresh corrective e-mail.

Sometimes it helps to be reminded of our humanness. Personally I feel more comfortable with my leaders when they show a human side, especially if they respond to it with humility. And soon we're back on the straightaway.

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