Saturday, May 31, 2014

2014 Goals Update

Exercise/Stretch 5+ Days a Week, Body Fat 14%

I put in a call to a local health clinic to see if they did individual body composition, I'll have to follow up on this. Meanwhile, I'm right at 14%. I did more stretching than in any previous month this year, about six times. My weight is holding steady and I got all my exercise in.

Healthy Elbow, Teeth

My elbow's had its healthiest month of the year. Maybe it's because I've altered my routine so well, but some days I barely think about it at all. Despite continued texting all throughout finals week, there hasn't been a lot of irritation. I have been re-thinking my teeth and whether or not to explore a root canal there while I still have dental insurance, so that I can chew on that right side without pain. I've been laying off most chewing on that side, just in case rest is the answer.

Tutor 300 Hours

I averaged more than 4 hours per calendar day - over 130 hours in total - and am exactly at 400 hours just as the spring semester ends. I logged 40 hours one week, for yet another personal record. By every measure it's been a successful year, and high time to adjust the annual goal upward significantly from the 300 dreamed back in January. I also obtained my substitute teaching license this week so am all set to market myself that way. Considering that I have at least a half-dozen students set up for the summer, I'll just double the year-to-date hours up to 800 and feel conservative. So grateful to God on this one.

Blog Thanks Weekly

I did three this month, better than last month. Three out of four ain't bad, but four's better.

Make 10 New Acquaintances

On a last-minute whim I auditioned for and got a spot in Shrek the Musical. I should be able to make some progress.

Clean House

We got an estimate for the basement repair and landscape re-grading so hopefully will make a decision by the end of June. I also reached out to the Board to help with the driveway project. I need to do more with the wardrobe, but this goal is generally well on its way at this point.

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