Wednesday, May 7, 2014

A Half Day In My Life

Here's how the day started:

- Woke up at 4:00 from a weird dream where a plane re-entering earth's orbit at a dangerously low altitude got caught on top of a ferris wheel. It was one of those mid-night hazes where my mind started going into overdrive trying to plan for the day ahead.

- Thought to myself, "I'm retired! It doesn't matter if I'm awake! I have nowhere to be until 11. I can go downstairs, distract my mind to sleep with some Parks and Recreation reruns, and wake up refreshed.

- Woke up around 8:00 to the sound of Dena off to work. Minutes later, the kitten curled up on my chest for a nap. Watched some more comedy while breezes blew softly through the living room.

- Around 9:00, went out for my first bare-chested 3-mile run of the year, made possible by the first 70+ degree morning of the year. The sky was bright blue, the air still and each breath fragrant with the scents of freshly mown grass and cherry blossoms.

- 9:30, took Cupcake outside for some exercise. Watched the parks department mowing the grass across the street, and cardinals flitting about the property. Spent some time in the shade.

- 10:00, got some of Dena's delicious sloppy joe mix reheating in the oven while I took a leisurely shower, shave, comb, spray.

- 10:30, enjoyed the sandwiches and gathered my things to start a shift at Heartland.

-11:00, settled into the math lab to start reviewing e-mail, fantasy baseball scores, and catch up on some blogging.

Life is good, y'all.

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