Monday, July 23, 2007

Everybody Loves a Clone

My company offers a formal peer review process with anonymous feedback. One of the secrets of my success is a natural talent for charging past the criticisms and frolicking in the praise:

"Joe is an absolute delight to work with. He has a great depth of technical knowledge; he is a wonderful communicator, and he is highly organized in everything that he does. He has clear ideas about what he is trying to accomplish, is able to draw others into his efforts, and can build a consensus in a very gentle way. He is inspiring, and can explain complex concepts in simple terms. He exudes competence and trust, and wraps up the whole package with a delightful sense of humor. In truth, I would be hard pressed to find anything of substance lacking in him. Once medical science solves the technical problems of cloning a human, I would nominate Joe as our first State Farm management prototype to be copied."

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