Sunday, July 1, 2007

Let's Go!

Welcome to this blog. I've built about a half dozen of them over the last couple of years, including one on "Islam for Idiots" (since I am an idiot when it comes to Islam). Each has been slightly different, but there are a couple of key similarities:

1. I got tired of them after a few posts.
2. I deleted them yesterday.

It's a new half-year, so why not try again?

I'm not sure what direction this will take. I'd like this blog to be Googlable, and have no beef with Country Joe McDonald the singer, but the old crooner's burying me. I even Googled an obscure Islamic phrase from my blog, along with my name and my city -- nothing.


I did some research. The answer might be volume. A pal of mine is a minister and when I Google his name, his blog jumps right to the top. Of course, he's not competing with Country Jason Woolever. Still, he averages about a post per day, slightly ahead of my post-per-new-moon rate.

Apart from myself (notice the sickening number of I's and my's in here already), I think about often about sports, comedy, leadership so brace yourself in the days to come. In fact, I've got a softball game to jet to right now. Later!

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