Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Good News for President Bush

Each day when I log onto the Internet the My Yahoo! home page gives me any number of news flashes, mostly ranging from sad to tragic and often involving President Bush. Doesn't the man get some good press, somewhere?

His approval rating's hovering just below 30%. Desperate, I Googled "good news for bush" using I'm Feeling Lucky. In sum, the article suggests that Sunni Muslims, especially young men, are dying so rapidly that the insurgence in Iraq is bound to run out of steam:

Well, OK. Let's give the 2nd Google result a try. Here we go, Mr. Bush has a commanding lead... in the '04 election.

Come on, America! When your teen's acting stubbornly, what would you really expect to happen if you wrote scathing articles about him in your local Daily Gazette every morning? "Gee, sorry Mom, I'll start developing an exit strategy for Iraq and investing in education right now!" What we need is some positive reinforcement to get this thing turned around. We must redouble our efforts to get this blog Googlable, so that we can get this message in front of the eyes of our embattled leader to rekindle his spirit, so as to start rekindling our national pride!

Good news, Mr. Bush, only 557 days till retirement!

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