Sunday, April 20, 2008

Grand Canyon Day 1, Part 4: Snack Brake

10:58 a.m. We've been sitting on a side track just past Dwight for 15 minutes now, and the barren cornfield outside is starting to look dull. The whole sleeping thing is making more sense to me now (Dena's joined them). Cars that we passed a half hour ago are passing us. Clouds too. People are starting to get up and walk around. At first I suspected mutiny plotting. Then I saw them coming back with SNACKS! Did they extort the conductor's lunch? Or is there a treasure car ahead?

11:10 Brake's over, away we go!

11:15 I've been eyeing the car door since I saw those snacks, the way the Narnia kids eyed that closet. If I can figure out how the door works, I'll be rich.

11:20 OK, Einstein's grandpa just used it. So did a ten-year old kid. I'm feeling confident.

11:22 The kid came back with snacks. I'm going in!

11:25 Snacks ho! Turns out there's a whole lounge car ahead, with booth seating. And a bartender serving drinks. Do you tip those people? I did. Seemed to be the right play. Problem: All my cash was gone! The last place I left my walled unguarded was Eastview Christian Church. Didn't they used to call it an "offering"?

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