Sunday, April 20, 2008

Grand Canyon Day 1, Part 2: The Terminal

Transportation hubs like this are similar to gas stations or grocery stores - filled with random cross-sections of every social circle:

Mr. & Mrs. Aloof Sixtysomething Gum-Chewing Vacationer

Gabby: The woman on a patriotic mission to talk to the nearest stranger (or, as a fallback plan, the nearest wall).

Baseball Cap College Dudes: Taking advantage of the cheap ($12.00!) fare to cruse up north while chattin' up their favorite baseball teams (fantasy and actual).

The Pacin' Asian

Stately Suitman: Always at attention, hands clasped behind his back, just waiting for the next easy-smiling productive conversation.

Suzy Snoozalot: That'd be Dena, overwhelmed by the excitement of sitting next to a guy writing a journal.

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