Sunday, August 2, 2009

Fun With The Hillegasses

Last night was planned to be our weekly date night, but the rain scuttled our plans to take a leisurely stroll through Uptown Normal to see how it's progressing. As we pondered what to do instead our doorbell rang. It was our neighbors Scott and Lisa Hillegass from over in unit #18.

Who rings the doorbell anymore for a social call? But this worked out great, I admire them for reaching out like they did.

We hung out with them from 7:30 till about midnight (one of the luxuries of being walking distance from your friends' house is the short trip home). We brought over the game "Would You Rather," the game famous to our niece Courtney, but I realized that we had never actually played it using the real rules. They're fun!

As part of one "challenge" question we had to invent a creative answer and if the other players voted on yours as the favorite, then you won the challenge.

"Would you rather have a third eye in the middle of your forehead, or a third hand sticking out of your chest." My answer was "A third hand. That way, if a mugger grabbed both of my hands, I could still give him a good slap and he'd be like 'Whoa'."

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