Saturday, August 15, 2009

Let's Make A Reel

"The most important political lesson Reagan learned from his Hollywood years was the difference between the endorsement of the critics and success at the box office. If you have the sceond, you don't need the first. Reagan made fifty-two full-length films during his Hollywood career. 'They don't want them good,' he once said, 'they want them Thursday.'" - Dinesh D'Souza

I regret occasions where I give in to my own impatience and create a work product that hasn't been double-checked for quality. One of the highest compliments I received this year was "If Joe said it, it must be right." What asset do we have that's greater than our integrity? What better way to build trust? And yet it's been too easy to shuffle things out the door or under the rug. Quality bests quantity.

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