Saturday, August 8, 2009

Reflections From A Man On His Knees

Today was the first 90+ degree day in town this summer. Normally it's not unusual for me to while away sunny mornings and afternoons tackling my reading list while stretched out poolside in a deck chair. But today it was just too hot to simply sit there and sizzle, so I hopped into the pool.

The temperature was just right to cool down a baking body to a refreshing calm. And as I came to rest on my knees in the shallow end, it occurred to me that I'm just tall enough that my head sits perfectly atop the water's surface.

So many times it's easy to focus on the little irritating imperfections - like the slope of my driveway that's just steep enough so that the car door won't stay open while trying to gather up my things. But I imagine that there will come a time when I long for the days that I was healthy enough to get in and out of a car under my own power. And how nice is it now to be free from bulky winter coats and snow-packed shoes?

Not everyone is built to meditate in the stereotypical sense. But I'll bet that keeping the eyes open for the small victories throughout the day would accomplish much the same thing.

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