Saturday, July 9, 2011

Photographic Memories

"I loved football the most when you could see the players' faces, when there was mud on them. Now they wear plastic masks and play on artificial turf. But that's the way it works when you get older - you lament what's taking place and miss the past." - Walter Iooss, sports photographer

There's been too much lamenting lately. This was a grand week on several fronts. The weather today is right up my alley - hot and clear. Yet sitting by the pool, I was trudging through work-related mental sludge. Almost polar opposite from the good-health rule "think of work only while at work." Eventually I asked myself "Why am I choosing to walk through this muddy little path when I'm living in paradise? The family's well. My co-workers are well. The air is beautiful."

Time to snap back to the future. With patience, dreams will be here soon enough.

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