Saturday, September 17, 2011

Dena Is Wonderful

It's been a while since I gave Dena some props through Hidden Blog, even though her birthday's passed since then.

There was a stretch there where she was out of work, thanks to the whims of the economy.

Weeks stretched into months without a steady paycheck.

She could have devolved into a couch potato, watching M*A*S*H and Frasier re-runs in between trips to the fridge and grocery store.

I almost laugh writing that last sentence. Her resolve to live a meaningful life is deeper than any crevasse in the Arctic.

After applying for several graphic design jobs, she just started up her own business at

She joined the Kiwanis Club, logged scads of volunteer hours, won the member of the year award, joined the board and becomes president in a couple of weeks.

Her Kiwanis connection led to a freelance business client, and then to a part-time job as a marketing director with a bank. She also produces the newsletter for the Illinois-Iowa district and has a dozen other clients.

A few years ago she could hardly run a mile. The other day we ran three, and she chatted the whole time. Yesterday she sprinted away from me in the homestretch (which I took to be a sign of athleticism rather than boredom!).

She's been part of Bible study groups and political groups, Special Olympics and Race for the Cure.

Now if she can just keep that spouse from turning into a couch potato...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dena ROCKS. And this post ROCKS. Only thing you missed is the fact that she's one of the best SIL's a girl can have!! I've known Dena a long time, and she was just as nice to me before I became part of the family as after! I've always said, you can pick your spouse, but you're stuck with the inlaws that come with. I'm lucky stuck!

She's a busy girl. So make sure she keeps those mash and fraiser dvd's handy. With all that going on, afternoons to decompress are sometimes necessary!!