Monday, June 9, 2014

Even The Cubs Are Winning: The Week In Thanks

While driving home from Mom's house this weekend I was easily grateful for air conditioning. And cruise control. And the U.S. highway system. And... just... cars. The whole infrastructure that's been created over decades to enable us to travel widely and independently. Americans aren't limited by dirt roads or lack of transportation.

I have friends who are looking for their first job. I'm lucky to have gotten one quickly, one that did a wonderful job of setting up this current stage of life.

Despite the unusual aches of the last year, one thing that has been hearty is my back and my immune system. Easing out of sports and into an energizing business has fueled that.

I'm thankful for Sherlock, the English crime drama series that one of my tutoring students directed me to and has brought plenty of intrigue. Which serves up yet another reminder of how fortunate I am to have the students that I do, and the little perks that come with it like this. That, and the fact that I can stay up until 3am watching it.

Still at a solid 2nd place in fantasy baseball.

Central Illinois weather has been utterly refreshing so far as spring winds down toward summer. I sit here with the window open, the sound of lawn mowing and birds chatting filtering through the screen, in the relative shade of the house but the sun painting the scattered clouds an ivory white against blue skies.

I have the kind of brother that I only have to tell half of a joke to before he sees where I'm going and bursts into wicked peals of laughter. We are wired the same. Thanks God. Thanks Mom. Thanks Dad. Thanks Jack. Thanks random news story that cracked us up.

As Shrek has gone on I've started to get around and meet more of the cast members. It's one of the highlights of the experience for me. The dances have been lively and I'm mastering them. Meanwhile I'm growing more fond of this show the more that's revealed to me.

The stock market reached a record high this week. The U.S. economy gained 200,000 job for the fourth straight month for the first time in 15 years.

Even the Cubs won five in a row!

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