Sunday, June 29, 2014

Movie Review: 22 Jump Street

If you saw 21 Jump Street, you must see 22 Jump Street. You can go back to folding laundry now.

For the rest of you, this is a wacky, high-energy, slapstick physical comedy featuring Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill a brawny and bowly police twosome who are pushed back into undercover service to sniff out drug problems on a local college campus.

They bumble their way along before ultimately succeeding despite themselves, although they should be given some credit for hanging from a helicopter in the final scene to corral the bad guy.

Their foibles include trying to impersonate Latino drug smugglers; playing wide receiver on the football team; rushing a fraternity; dating (inadvertently) the daughter of their boss; and wild chases in cars and on foot.

Subtle humor is sprinkled throughout, including generous self-lampooning of sequels. Naturally, the accidentally ingest drugs at one point as with the original, and flip into hyperactive madness.

Aside from a sense that it was about 20 minutes too long (maybe our kidneys were just worn out from laughing), it's all-in on this one. Being in a full California theater made a big difference as the roaring was contagious throughout the theater, so I'd recommend it more so for a group outing.

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